Nairobi is home to one of the largest populations of children orphaned due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Most of them live in extreme poverty in child-headed or adolescent-headed households or with grannies who have no means of supporting them.

Education is the only way out of poverty, but unless they are well enough to attend school, that opportunity is lost. As well, many of these children have only one meal a day, which they receive at school. Thus, keeping them in school is very important.
During this mission, the children will be screened and treated by pediatricians, dentists and eye care professionals. They will also receive health education, including proper hand washing, tooth brushing and HIV/AIDS prevention information.
I will be part of the eye care team. I hope, but won't be sure until I get to Nairobi, that I will be able to keep you informed of our mission via this blog.

Education is the only way out of poverty, but unless they are well enough to attend school, that opportunity is lost. As well, many of these children have only one meal a day, which they receive at school. Thus, keeping them in school is very important.
During this mission, the children will be screened and treated by pediatricians, dentists and eye care professionals. They will also receive health education, including proper hand washing, tooth brushing and HIV/AIDS prevention information.
I will be part of the eye care team. I hope, but won't be sure until I get to Nairobi, that I will be able to keep you informed of our mission via this blog.